What’s So Nice About Owning Your Own Content? For 2020 And Beyond

Being a blogger is relatively still new to me, cause I only started recently actually! If anything, I plan to travel the world while writing articles that are interesting reads overall. But if I had any one thing I would say is the very pinnacle of “Boss Babe Status,” it’s this blog.

Let me start from the beginning. I am not really a true guru, super powerful serial entrepreneur who names rhymes with Shuman, but I know something about owning your own stuff. Growing up, I owned Barbies among other toys that my parents bought me. Those brought me joy, but at the same time, I always wanted more toys overall. I guess that is pretty much what I am trying to talk about here.

You really don’t have to have everything handed to you to get better at something you are passionate for. Just keep on working it, something will turn out! Obviously, there’s something for everyone of us, you just have to be there for it.

Once you start “owning” it, you will develop a hand-on attitude towards your goals that focuses solely on completing your life’s work. Obviously, this can be varied drastically from person to person, and results are not guaranteed. As long as you believe in your overall mission to improve yourself and not just “people pleasing,” you have a chance.

Once you have something that piques your interest, just put a simple line through that metaphorical “to do list.” It doesn’t feel like anything, trust me. What really matters is, you do something for the fun factor coupled with the overall impending satisfaction of everything you believe can come of it. Doing good doesn’t really help your overall happiness. It stokes your passion pit flame inside you, which makes you understand the power of your actions.

What truly makes you happy is the fact it is set in motion, the fact that you have it under your control, even when you don’t handle all the operations or create any of the things you need to use to continue to survive on a budget. What really matters is your opportunity, using it for the good of the universe around you, even when you can’t physically see any of it happening. This is the real change that makes people do a double-take when they know exactly why you bought a Koenigsegg instead of the Mercedes-Benz you thought would be the car of your dreams.

Why all this matters is the sole reason why you believe in yourself in the first place. You have control over your life, from the shoes you get on Cyber Monday, to the glamorous lifestyle of a t-shirt and pants that cost next to nothing cause people seemingly love to give you “gifts.” It’s all in the way you move from here on out. Imagine you have it, and people will love you for it. Heck, imagine you are royalty if that makes you get in the mood for doing something that makes you feel special! Just be sure to follow through, after all that work you put into it. Yes, thinking requires perseverance, we can’t just wake up “like this.” You have to own your body, and tell everyone too.

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from Travelers Abroad https://www.travelersabroad.online/whats-so-nice-about-owning-your-own-content-for-2020-and-beyond/
Source: https://travelersabroad.tumblr.com/post/189399079758

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